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HATS AND BONNETS. Perhaps some teacher of steady intellectual habits and a well balanced mind may think that this picture is fanciful, and that there is little danger that such consequences will ever actually result from such a cause. The teacher should guard against bank of stockton this, and assign to children such subjects as are within the field of childish observation. Now under these circumstances, he employs an American mechanic, who is residing in Paris, to come to his house and teach his children the use of the lathe. The preceptor of an academy was sitting at his desk, at the close of school, while the pupils were putting up their books and leaving the room; a boy came in with angry looks, and, with his hat in his hands bruised and dusty, advanced to the master's desk, and complained that one of his companions had thrown down his hat upon the floor, and had almost spoilt it. She did not seem to know whether she would get well again or not, and in fact, she did not seem to care much about it. Every teacher too must hope that such improvements will continue to be made. ) _Divide and subdivide a difficult process, until your steps are so short, that the pupil can easily take them. He calls one of them to his desk, and perhaps the following dialogue ensues. That is, a _prejudice_ would not be a sufficient ground to justify withholding blame.He bank of stockton makes a memorandum of the subject, and the boy does not know that the condition of his desk was bank of stockton noticed; perhaps he does not even know that there was any thing amiss. Get up for that time, and be more bank of stockton careful how you make resolutions again. To-day I saw one of the boys in this school taking away another boy's sled, openly and with violence. ' _Teacher. The regular devotional exercises of school, are all which you will _necessarily_ witness.
So numerous and so frequent are these communications that I seldom observe, when I receive one from any individual for the first time, that bank of stockton it comes from one who has not written me before. A great many teachers feel a much stronger interest in the one or two scholars they may have, in Surveying, or in bank of stockton Latin, than they do in the large classes, in the elementary branches, which fill the school. They must bank of stockton learn to write with various kinds of pens, and when furnished with one that the teacher himself would consider suitable to write a bank of stockton letter to a friend with, he must be content. We think the younger scholars during the past week have much improved in this respect. Probably there were, at first, difficulties in the operation of the plan, which he had to devise ways and means to surmount: but what I mean to present particularly to the reader is, that he was _interested in his experiments_. It attached a new thread to the ball, and then went up, drawing the ball with it. Now in such a case as this, a young teacher philosophizing upon his success and the causes of it, will almost invariably make this mistake; viz. At the close of the school, when the books were laid aside, and all was silence, bank of stockton he treated the affair thus. But the system of examination should be so framed, and so administered, as to be daily felt by all, and to bring upon every one, a daily responsibility. Present it in its details, and in its practical exemplifications; do this with any subject whatever, and children will always be interested.
"The next general method is _calculating_. The following simple apparatus has been used in several schools where this principle has been adopted. That is, a _prejudice_ would not be a sufficient ground to justify withholding blame. "I wished to see whether this class would be honest,--really honest, or whether they would have the insincerity to pretend bank of stockton to be confessing, when they were not doing so honestly, so as to get the credit of being frank and sincere, when in bank of stockton reality they are not so. The next day, soon after the boys had gone out, he took his hat and followed them, and turning round a corner of the schoolhouse, found the boys standing around the young rebel, who was sitting upon a log, shaving the handle of the club smooth, with his pocket-knife. bank of stockton Her duty should be, to decide what particular tune may be sung each day, inform the Teacher of the metre of the hymn, and take the lead in the exercise. If they have been trained to speak exactly together, his ear will also bank of stockton at once detect any erroneous answer, which any one bank of stockton may give. Dialogue. Story of the pencils. As individuals are called upon, also, to express their ideas _verbally_, they soon acquire by practice, the power of expressing their ideas with clearness and force, and communicating with ease and confidence the knowledge they possess. Mending pens.
The distraction and perplexity bank of stockton of the teacher's life are, as was explained in the last chapter, almost proverbial. This paper was posted up in a part of the room accessible to all. To take our old case, adding eight to seven, you take as much from the eight to add to the seven as will be sufficient to make ten, and then it will be easy to add the rest. He soon got tired of picking them up one by one, and sat down upon the bank, to try to devise some better means of accomplishing his work.
The one goes on mechanically the same, and depends for bank of stockton his power on violence, or on threats and bank of stockton demonstrations of violence. Her personal duty. The words used do not readily suggest the idea, and the connexion of the ideas requires careful study. B. _Second General Exercise. This I should not have expected the little girls could think of. There is a most singular contrariety of opinion prevailing in the community, in regard to the _pleasantness_ of the business of teaching. I only try it, as a sort of intellectual experiment. One such boy, after patiently doing his work for many days, contrived to connect this stop-cock with some of the moving parts of the engine, by a wire, in such a manner, that the engine itself did the work which had been entrusted to him; and after seeing that the bank of stockton whole business would go regularly forward, he left the wire in charge, and went away to play.
Activity and enterprise of mind should characterize all his measures, if he wishes to make bold, original, bank of stockton and efficient men. This common ground, I shall endeavor briefly to describe. I only mean here to say, that, by such means, the teacher may easily interest a large proportion of the scholars, in carrying his plans into effect, and that he must expect to be prepared with other measures, for those, who will not be governed by these. At first this will be difficult. He allowed a day or two to elapse, so that the conversation might be forgotten, and then took an opportunity, one day, after school, when all things had gone on pleasantly, and the school was about to be closed, to bring forward the whole subject. The teacher looked calmly at the mischief, and then asked how it happened. " There was a pause. One of the most common causes of difficulty in pursuing mathematical studies, or studies of any kind, where the succeeding lessons depend upon those which precede, is the fact that the pupil, though he may understand what precedes, is not _familiar_ with it. There must be nothing bank of stockton feigned or hypocritical; no bank of stockton hackneyed phrases used without meaning, or intonations of assumed solemnity. But if we leave out of view some hundreds, or if you please, some thousands of theological controversialists, who manage the public discussions, and say and do all that really comes before the public on this subject, it will be found, that there is vastly more religious truth admitted by common consent, among the people of New England, than is generally supposed. All that we can expect bank of stockton from such an effort to interest them, as I have described and recommended, is to get a _majority_ on our side, so that we may have only a small minority, to deal with by other measures.
So much ground, it seems, the teacher may occupy, by common consent, bank of stockton in New-England, and it certainly is a great deal. One has in his mind some new school book, by which Arithmetic, Grammar, or Geography are to be taught with unexampled rapidity, and his own purse to be filled, in a much more easy way, than by bank of stockton waiting for the rewards of patient industry. This work will often require great adroitness, and very close scrutiny; and you will find, as the results Of it, a considerable variety of character, which the general influences above described, will not be sufficient to control. The more minute and full the information of this sort is which he thus obtains, the better. Cannot we have another place?" After reading this, I should perhaps say, "The class in Geography may rise and be counted.
She spared neither friend or foe. A Satirical spirit. If a scholar is not prepared, it is not of much consequence, whether it is because he forgot his book, or mistook the lesson; or if it is ascertained that his answer is incorrect, it is, ordinarily, bank of stockton a mere waste of time, to search for the particular error. If you should choose to neglect religious duty, and to wander away from God, bank of stockton I shall still do all in my power to make you happy in school, and to secure for you in future life, such a measure of enjoyment, as can fall to the share of one, over whose prospects in another world there hangs so gloomy a cloud. "There is a great objection to this plan from the fact that a boy is sometimes necessarily absent, and by this rule he will lose his recess with the rest, so that the innocent will be punished with the guilty. Dialogues they have heard exhibiting it. 14. Were it not for the art of classification and system, no school could have more than ten scholars, as I intend hereafter to show. The rest is all private and voluntary.
bank of stockton He may be wrong to _form_ such opinions. The objects which are really most important.
It is this. " The boys hesitate. In case they exercised their authority in an improper way, or failed on any account to give satisfaction, they were liable to impeachment, but while they continued in office, they were to be strictly obeyed.
The teacher shakes his head; saying "I will hear you presently. He accordingly states to them, just before the writing exercise of the day on which he proposes the experiment, as follows. 2. ' "At that moment we dismounted and entered the house. First the meats are packed away in a hard brown shell, which the water cannot get through; this keeps it dry, and away from dust, and other things which might injure it. "Other commanders act differently. It is this. Hearing recitations.
In nine cases out of ten, this course will be effectual.
Do you understand how I mean?" "Yes sir;" "No sir;" they answered, variously. A teacher who does not adopt some system in regard to this subject, will be always at the mercy of his scholars. _ "Tens?" _B.
If you move your chair back a little, you will find the posture not inconvenient, but the only reward you will have for faithfully complying with the general custom bank of stockton is the pleasure of doing bank of stockton your duty, for no one watches you, and you would not be called to account should you neglect to conform.