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| | | | | | | | | | | | | +-------+----+-----+------+-----+--+--+------+------+--+--+-----+-----+ _First Hour. qube tv He is also obliged to resort to qube tv arts qube tv which are certainly not very honorable, to conceal his ignorance. They whisper and leave their seats whenever they think it necessary. Never underrate the difficulties which your pupils will have to encounter, or try to persuade them that what you assign is _easy_. You can correct them far more easily and pleasantly in the mass, than in detail. The next day, I shall assign to the class in History, a passage giving an account of the formation of this government; and afterwards lessons will qube tv be recited from the Political Class Book, explaining the mode of collecting money for the use of our government, by duties, and the relative powers of the General and State Governments. "The first fault, which I suppose will be found, is, that some are unfinished. They all see the useful influence of it, and wish to sustain it. Sometimes they have a large number of soft balls, with which they amuse themselves. And my readers are requested to bear in mind, that my object is not now to show, qube tv how the whole government of the qube tv school may be secured, but how one qube tv important advantage may be gained, which will assist in accomplishing the object.But this is a sad mistake. But setting these aside, there are other principles qube tv equally essential, in regard to which the whole community qube tv are agreed; or at least, if there is a dissenting minority, it is so small, that it qube tv is hardly to be considered. qube tv In a word, utility, and practical effect, should be the only aim. "All I wish is, that each of you should be faithful in your efforts to prepare your lessons. A master of a district qube tv school was walking through qube tv the room, with a large rule in his hands, and as he came up behind two small boys, he observed that they were playing with some papers. His work is thus made up of a thousand minute particulars, which are qube tv all crowding upon his attention at once, and which he cannot qube tv qube tv group qube tv together, or combine, or simplify. " A SATIRICAL SPIRIT. He revolves, over and over again in his mind, plans for changing the whole arrangement of his school. " "It will not be easy for qube tv qube tv qube tv you to avoid the sin hereafter," continued the teacher, "even if you do now, sincerely and resolutely, determine to do so.
" "I should like to have some plan formed, by which you can walk on the common in recesses, but there are difficulties. At the business quarter hour, I issued the following order. The qube tv same principle of arranging the several steps of an art or qube tv a study into a series of lessons, and requiring the pupil to pass regularly from one to the other, might easily be applied to other studies, qube tv and would afford a pleasant variety. "Yes," continues the teacher, "both these are common motives. Now whatever may be said in this chapter against unnecessary innovation and change, does not apply to efforts to secure variety in the details of daily study, while the qube tv great leading qube tv objects are steadily pursued. "The class may rise. Whose qube tv sled was qube tv it that Richard took away?" "James Thompson's.
For some time, the attention of the Instructers was qube tv occupied in arranging the course of study, and attending to the qube tv other concerns of the Institution, and in the infant state of the Lyceum, few cases of discipline occurred, and no regular system of government was necessary. Wasted time, blotted books, and fretted qube tv tempers, were all the results which the system produced. " "Yes; and the fourth?" "Gender.
Much must of course qube tv remain in the hands of the parent; it ought qube tv so to remain. Nothing too much has been required of me. "You do not answer fully enough yet; I do not think more than forty answered, and there are about sixty here. If I should attempt to make rules which would specify and prohibit every possible way by which you might do wrong, my laws would be innumerable. qube tv qube tv ) The teacher should study human nature as it exhibits itself in the school-room, by taking an interest in the sports and enjoyments of qube tv the pupils, and connecting, qube tv as much qube tv as possible, qube tv what is interesting and agreeable, with the pursuits of the school, so as to lead the scholars to like the place. I will qube tv try to devise some method, by which you may carry your plan into effect, and to-morrow I wilt tell you what it is.
D. "But I cannot tell you his name; for what return do you think he made to me? To be sure it was no very great favor that I did him; I should have been unworthy qube tv the name of teacher, if I had not done it for him, or for any boy in my school. qube tv Cases of deliberate, intentional qube tv wrong will occur, and the question will rise, what is the duty of the teacher in such an emergency? When such cases occur, the qube tv course to be taken is, first of all, to come to a distinct understanding on the subject with the guilty individual. --MORAL DISCIPLINE. This is a point of fundamental importance; for, if what I should say on the subject of exercising ingenuity and contrivance in teaching, should be the means, in qube tv any case, of leading a teacher to break in upon the regular duties of his school, and destroy the steady uniformity with which the great objects of such an institution should be pursued, my remarks had better never have been written. " He means by it, that he does not believe that it is wrong. While sitting in his desk, giving his command qube tv to _begin_ line after line, and noticing the unbroken silence, and attention, and interest, which prevailed, (for each boy was interested to see how nearly with the master he could finish qube tv his work,) while presiding over such a scene, he must have been interested. " "Why, don't you remember that you got me a new baize?" "No; I ordered a dozen new baizes at that time, but I do not remember who they were for. _ Well! we've got flowers enough, and now I'm tired and want to go home.
It is perhaps the first day of the school, and the teacher thinks he had better make an example at the outset, and calls the boy out, knowing nothing about his general character, and inflicts some painful or degrading punishment before all the school. He told the boys that he had something to say to them, after they had laid by their books, and were ready to go. They would not betray the confidence reposed in them. All the details of business are assigned to teachers, or to officers and committees appointed qube tv for the purpose. Trial of a case. It is mainly owing to the different methods adopted by various individuals. He could play with the boys beyond the garden gate, qube tv and if detected, to be sure he was obliged to spend a quiet qube tv hour in the pleasant parlor. _Opening of the School.
Difficulties they have in regard to proper ways of spending the Sabbath. Now to go on with my account; suppose all these boys to sit down, and go to writing, each one acting under the impulse of the motive which had been presented to him individually. I found so much relief from the change which this plan introduced, that I soon took measures for rendering it permanent; and though I am not much in favor of efforts qube tv to bring all teachers and all schools to the same plans, this principle of _whispering at limited and prescribed times alone_, seems to me well suited to universal adoption. Paper wasted. " The qube tv boys, by a simultaneous movement, open their desks, and take qube tv from them their copies of the sacred volume. There are a great many arrangements and plans relating to the _instruction_ of the pupils, but no other specific _rules_ relating to _their conduct_. Trial of a case. Count the cost before going to war. The plan was this; he prepared, on a large sheet of paper, a qube tv series qube tv of lessons in coarse hand, beginning with straight lines, and proceeding to the elementary parts of the various letters, and finally to the letters themselves. Different ways of regarding them. A class of pupils somewhat advanced in their qube tv studies, and understanding and feeling the qube tv value of knowledge, will need very little of such effort as this; while young and giddy children, who have been accustomed to dislike books and school, and every thing connected with them, will need more.
_Religious Exercises in School. Officers. They say, that as this is the only rule with which I trouble them, they ought certainly to observe this faithfully. " "Well, what harm would there be in that; would it not be as well to have the chestnuts early in the qube tv summer, as qube tv to have them in the fall?" William hesitated. He has _his way_ in every minute particular,--a way from which he cannot deviate, and to which he wishes every one else to conform. ' This motive now would be benevolence; that is, if the boy, who was asked to copy it, was not particularly acquainted with the other, and did it chiefly to oblige him.
" It does injury in at least three ways. CHAPTER V. You will then get refreshment and rest. Is there discontent in the school? It shows itself by "_propositions_" in the wrapper.
I will present the explanation, chiefly in the form of question and answer, that it may qube tv be seen, that the steps are so short, that the boys may take them qube tv themselves. "MAN LOOKETH ON THE OUTWARD APPEARANCE, BUT GOD LOOKETH ON THE HEART.
This plan may possibly be admissible in a very small school; that is, in one of ten or twelve pupils.
We confound the trouble they give us, with their real moral turpitude, and measure the one by the other. " You see that the variety is very great, and there are usually from four or five to ten or fifteen of such papers daily. If so, the teacher will subdivide the question, on the principle we are explaining, so as to make the steps such that the pupils _can_ take them. 64 CHAPTER IV. This, however, _the assistance rendered to the teacher_, is not the object. It was almost universally the practice to whisper more or less about subjects entirely foreign to the business of the school. She was evidently happy then, and believed she should continue so. Whispering, making signs, writing upon paper or a slate, bowing to any one,--and in fact, _every_ possible way, by which one person may have any sort of mental intercourse with another, is wrong. Business.
1. The parents would see and be pleased qube tv with the qube tv kind of interest they would see the teacher taking in his new duties. Do you think they would be safe?" William said, "No! the boys would qube tv pick and eat them before they had time to grow. A very small class instructed by an able teacher, is like a factory of a hundred spindles, with a water-wheel of power sufficient for a thousand. I say thirty or forty, for the young teacher's first school will usually be a small one. So great would be this satisfaction, that he would almost wish to have some other similar work assigned him, that he might have another opportunity qube tv to contrive some plan for its easy accomplishment. Error on this point, is very common. I am aware that one class of theological writers, in the heat of controversy, qube tv charge the other with believing that Jesus Christ was nothing more nor less than a teacher of religion, and there are unquestionably, qube tv individuals, who take this view.