Jay nm schools
_ "Five. Do not, in such a case, feel troubled because you may not have appeared as well as some individual who has not been half as faithful as yourself. " "I want to remove the evil, however, in the pleasantest way. CHAPTER IV. The teacher enters upon the duties of his office by a much more sudden transition than is common in the other avocations and employments of life. jay nm schools Multiplicity of the objects of attention. Our community are agreed, that _we are responsible to jay nm schools God for all our conduct_. A man comes home from his school at night, perplexed and irritated by the petty misconduct which he has witnessed, and been trying to check. I thank them, therefore, for being so ready to assist a companion, but they must put their pencils away, as they were taken out without orders. This plan was adopted by them, by vote.The girls of our school often amused themselves in recess by collecting jay nm schools into little groups for singing. A line of military characters, bearing the title of the 'Freedom's Band,' was soon called out, headed by one of their own number.
I explained in a few words, one day, to the school, that this was wrong. He should often address questions to individuals alone, especially to those most likely to be inattentive and careless, and guard against the ingress of every abuse, which might, without close vigilance, appear. 2. 7. There is no affectation in this, for my pride will not permit me to show this jay nm schools prejudice to any great degree, when I can help it. And then, "Let me try it," he continued, gently taking the club out of Joseph's hand. I never make any effort to urge any one to attend the Saturday meeting, nor do I, except in a few rare and peculiar cases, ever address any one personally, unless she desires to be so addressed. It is, in fact, the pleasure of exercising power. After thinking of a variety of methods, he determined to try the following. " Those who saw clearly what was to be done, left the class, and the teacher continued his explanation to those who jay nm schools were left behind. They do it sometimes by notes and sometimes in conversation,--but they always do it.
Again, he may let them work on paper, with pen and ink, that he may see how few mistakes they make, as mistakes in ink, cannot be easily removed. It is true that the caution given in a preceding part of this chapter, against devoting undue and disproportionate attention to such persons must not be forgotten.
He is saying to himself all the time, 'I hope I shall get the quarter of a dollar. When, therefore, in the following paragraphs, I use the word _employers_, I mean to be understood to speak of the committee, or the trustees, or the visiters, or the parents themselves, as the case, in each particular institution, may be; that is, the persons, for whose purpose, and at whose expense, the institution is maintained; or their representatives. When the scholars are allowed, as they very generally are, to come, when they please, to present their pens, some four, five or six times in a day--breaking in upon any business--interrupting any classes--perplexing jay nm schools and embarrassing the teacher, however he may be employed,--there is a very serious obstruction to the progress of the scholars, which is by no means repaid by the improvement in this branch. To do good to any individual, creates or increases the desire to do it. This quarter of an hour is appropriated to a great variety of purposes. It is almost universally the fashion to aim not at striking thoughts, simply and clearly expressed, but at splendid jay nm schools language, glowing imagery, and magnificent periods. Shall the government of school be a _monarchy_ or a _republic_? To this question, after much inquiry and many experiments, I answer, a monarchy; an absolute, unlimited monarchy; the teacher possessing exclusive power, as far as the pupils are concerned, though strictly responsible to the committee, jay nm schools or to the trustees, under whom he holds his office. Come then, and be in this school-room during this day, and help us all to be faithful and successful in duty. This plan went on successfully for three months, and with very little diminution of interest. The teacher jay nm schools has, we will imagine, been accustomed to teach spelling in the usual way, by assigning a lesson in the spelling book, which the scholars have studied jay nm schools in their seats, and then they have recited by having the words put to them individually in the class.
False pretensions. On the other hand, if _instruction_ is all that is aimed at, and _recitation_, (by which I mean, as above explained, such an examination of individuals as is necessary to ascertain that they have faithfully performed the tasks assigned,) is neglected, the exercise soon becomes not much more than a lecture, to which those, and those only, will attend, who please. But probably in almost every such case, it would be found, that it is from fear of its perversion to sect or party purposes, and not from any unwillingness to have the Bible used in the way I have described. jay nm schools
They very wisely chose the jay nm schools latter plan, and the study card was constructed and put up to mark the times of free communication, and of silent study. The practice of thus reducing to writing what the teacher may say on such subjects will be attended with excellent effects. _ The first thing which will call your attention as the hour for the commencement of the school approaches in the morning, is the ringing of a bell, five minutes before the time arrives, by the regulator, who sits at the curtained desk before the Study Card. "I shall call the first _counting_. Hearing recitations. jay nm schools If reproved by her teacher, for negligence in any respects, she is generally provided with an abundance of excuses, and however mild the reproof, she receives it as a piece of extreme severity. The idea of his teacher's trying to perplex and embarrass him, was entirely new. But it is both unwise and jay nm schools unjust, to neglect the many trees in your nursery, which by ordinary attention, may be made to grow straight and tall, and to bear good fruit, that you may waste your labor upon a crooked stick, from which all your toil can secure very little beauty or fruitfulness.
jay nm schools Cautions. Now I wish you to be honest, and tell me what you are going to do. In order to facilitate such plans, it is highly desirable that the classes should be trained to military precision jay nm schools and exactness in these manipulations.
After thus surveying the ground, let him form his plan, and lay out his whole strength in carrying forward, as rapidly as possible, the _whole school_, in these studies. A great deal of ingenuity may be exercised, in contriving means for effecting this object, in the shortest possible time. Are you willing to do it?" "Yes sir;" say the boys. I have found from experience that fifteen minutes each day, with a school of 135, is enough. A teacher, who takes the course I am condemning, approaches the seat of one of his pupils, and asks to see one of his books. Never lose sight of them, nor turn to the right or to the left to follow any ignis fatuus which jay nm schools may endeavor to allure you away; but exercise as much ingenuity and enterprise as you please, in giving variety and interest to the modes by which these objects are pursued. The _simultaneous answers_ of a class awaken more general interest, jay nm schools but it is difficult, jay nm schools without special care, to secure, by this means, a thorough examination of all. Precisely at the end of the half hour, it jay nm schools will ring jay nm schools again, when new classes will take their places.
That word is only one among fifty, constituting the lesson. The man who neglects the interests of his school, in these great branches, to devote his time to two or three, or half a dozen jay nm schools older scholars, is unjust both to his employers and to himself. Do you not think you shall find this the pleasantest course?"--"Yes jay nm schools sir," answered every scholar. The experiment was tried with greater and greater success for several days, when the Teacher proposed that a systematic plan should be formed, by which there night be singing regularly at the close of school. " "Well, now, what do you think I ought to do next?" The boys have nothing to say. The class separated, as every class would, in such a case, with strong interest in the work before them. Suppose then the Rocky Mountains were half round the globe, how long would it take the sun to go to them?" "Suppose they were quarter round?" "The whole distance is divided into portions jay nm schools called degrees; 360 in all. " "True; that is the exact state of the case. Others may merely be interested in seeing how others effect, what they, by easy methods, are equally successful in effecting. I do not now recollect precisely what they were.
In ordinary cases he not only feels responsible for efforts, jay nm schools but for their results; and when, notwithstanding all his efforts, jay nm schools his pupils will do wrong, his spirit sinks, with an intensity jay nm schools of anxious despondency, which none but a teacher can understand. Plan and schedule. He is steeled, at such jay nm schools a moment, against any thing but mortification, and the desire to get out of the hands of the master; and he has an impression, that the teacher appeals to religious principles, only to assist him to sustain his own authority. They expect from them what is not to be obtained, and then are disappointed and vexed at the failure. Of course each boy before he came to his desk was necessarily idle, and, almost necessarily, in mischief. " "Besides," continues the teacher, looking pleasantly, however, while he says it, "if I knew, I think I ought not to tell you. " The class then regularly take their places in the recitation seats; the prepared and jay nm schools unprepared together. " "I am very often prejudiced against new scholars, without knowing why?" "We sometimes hear a person talk in this way, 'I do not like such, or such a person, at all. You have improved a little, but you have not decidedly and thoroughly jay nm schools reformed. I have done nothing on this subject yet, for I wished to see whether you would not come early, on principle. When the time for the class came, the teacher addressed them somewhat as follows: "Before looking jay nm schools at your slates, I am going to predict what the faults are.
A few days after this article was read, the scholars observed one morning, a flower stuck up in a conspicuous place against the wall, with the word TABU in large characters above it.
Be always cautious about jay nm schools innovations and changes. Diminish the difficulties as far as is necessary, by merely shortening and simplifying the steps, and make thorough work as you go on. No, even if the work you are assigning to a class is easy, do not tell them so, unless you wish to jay nm schools destroy all their spirit and interest in doing it; and if you wish to excite their spirit and interest, make your work difficult, and let them see that jay nm schools you know it is so.
When that hour has arrived, let the teacher devote a very short period, five minutes perhaps, to religious _instruction_, given in various ways.
There is not in fact a single boy in this school who has a hat of his own. Every experienced teacher can recollect numerous cases of this sort, and he learns, after a time, to suspend his judgment.